Championing White Supremacy is Proof of Personal Inferiority

Karl H Christ
3 min readMay 10, 2021


Foundational to the ideology of white supremacy, like any hateful movement, is the unfounded claim of group superiority. This mentality, by its nature, reduces the importance of the individual. If one takes for granted that their skin color automatically grants them superior attributes, then there is nothing special about the relative few within the group who actually have those positive attributes and for whom melanin, or a lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

For one to cling so desperately to the belief that a superficial characteristic makes them inherently better than those not sharing that characteristic is to admit to deficiencies in oneself or perception thereof, a feeling of inferiority. Rather than recognize this and seek therapy, the white supremacist uses their skin tone to refute reality, or adopt convoluted bullshit belief systems which make them believe that their own failings are the fault of others, those with more melanin.

If you were particularly athletic or smart or attractive, what would be the purpose of finding or manufacturing a trivial reason for that? If you actually did possess those positive attributes, it would seem to cheapen them to credit them to skin color. You’re not strong or smart or attractive because you exercise, study, groom yourself, work, and bathe, but because you’re white. That would be a discredit to whatever efforts you’ve made to achieve these goals. There are tons of white people I’d be insulted to be associated with. Putting aside the moral, scientific, and every other refutations of racism, I don’t see why I should share credit for being a ripped, smart, and sexy motherfucker with some bitch-ass butter-faced idiot douchebag cracker just because we have similar skin pigmentation.

It’s a blow to individualism, normally a tenet of conservative and libertarian values, which shares a cross-section of membership with white supremists, to put undue importance on skin color. How is it fair that the strong and smart and attractive white people have to share their status with the wimpy, stupid, and ugly white people? A huge portion of white people are weak and hideous idiots. Factoring in that there are so many strong, intelligent hotties who aren’t white, it must be difficult for white supremacists to pretend that white, weak, ugly dumb-dumbs are not only better than they obviously are.

I cannot name, and would be hard-pressed to find, a white supremacist who hits the trifecta of strength, intelligence, and beauty. Most of them are dumb as turd bricks. Some have a set of free weights and an HGH hookup. A handful could be considered physically attractive, in the sense that you might be willing to fuck them so long as they don’t talk during and you don’t have to interact with them at all otherwise. But a white supremacist with all three attributes? Unheard of. The few smart ones among them are only manipulating the strong and the pretty ones for their personal benefit.

Athleticism, intelligence, and beauty aren’t the only positive attributes a human can have, but they comprise a simplified litmus of the most desired human traits, those which white supremacists tend to lack and so insist to have. White supremacists, for the most part, have nothing else. They have no positive attributes and so must delude themselves into believing that by their whiteness alone they are superior, and that it somehow grants them what they’re lacking. White supremacy tells the weak that they’re strong, the stupid that they’re smart, and the ugly that they’re pretty, by virtue of pale skin, and that this in itself grants them privilege above others. When you meet people who actually do have a strong selection of “superior” attributes, something you’ll notice is that they don’t waste their time and yours going on about how much better they are or how they just can’t get anywhere in life because all the benefits are going to BIPOCs. Unless they have some crippling mental health disorder causing such irrational thinking and lack of self esteem.

White supremacists are inferior by definition in large part because only inferior people would become white supremacists. To paraphrase Garth Ennis: The greatest champions of the white race are always the worst examples of it.



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