Karl H Christ
3 min readFeb 25, 2025

Do the Antichrist and Satan Walk among US?

Is Trump the antichrist?

Is Musk Satan himself?

Big questions. And while the answers might seem obvious, let’s not jump to any conclusions without evidence.

We all know, of course, that the antichrist is, as the name would suggest, a being whose character, personality, and purpose are counter to those of Christ. Christ is described as a charitable man, open and welcoming to all, a champion of the meek and the downtrodden, a humble and gentle man, who preached love and compassion, and who treated others with kindness and patience. He had little positive to say about the rich and the powerful, saying that rulers should be servants of the people and not exercise their authority against them, and that rich people have virtually no chance of getting into heaven. It would not be unfair to say that Trump does not have these qualities or beliefs, that he in fact seems foundationally in opposition to such thinking and ways of being.

The antichrist is, however, described as being in ways like an imitation of Christ, in that he will claim to be a savior despite being a “man of sin” or “man of lawlessness.” A man of sin and lawlessness would be an apt description of Trump, however many times he himself has, blasphemously, compared himself to Jesus Christ. Through deceit, the antichrist convinces people of his holiness, and thus enforces his rule over mankind. This would be in line with Trump’s statements and actions.

The antichrist was prophesied to be supported by a cadre of false prophets. Trump of course has those, tons of them, swarming like flies around him, cheering him on and promoting his falsehoods.

A master of spreading lies in order to draw in followers and sow discord against his opposition, increasing his power or “magnify[ing] himself in his heart” (alternatively: “in his own mind he will exalt himself”),” Trump will continue to spread his rule across the globe.

Trump’s stated plan to take ownership of Gaza, having already set up a seat of power in Jerusalem, after having entered into a covenant with Israel, will give him dominion over the “holy land.” There, with his master’s power, he will theoretically ignite the great and terrible conflagration which will overtake the Earth and commence the “end times.”

But what of his “master?” What of Satan, who sent his son and emissary to bring about the utter corruption and destruction of the Earth? Well, there are only a few presences on the planet who could fit that bill, and one of those very few seems to have Trump entirely in his thrall, and thus total power over the country, if not yet the whole world, is in his grasp.

The embodiment, and source, of all evil and sin, there are a number of candidates for Satan’s earthly vessel. Among the global oligarchs, there is no shortage of greed, malice, and duplicity. It could be that Satan inhabits each of them. But it is clear that there is one who reigns above them all. While the others pay obeisance to the possible antichrist, one has him at his beck and call. One is on the front lines, actively tearing down the structures which have kept this country and world together, apparently intent on sending it all spiraling into chaos and collapse. He does it all with a sinister smile and a clearly inhuman affect, whispering orders into the ears of his puppet/servant/son.

Am I saying, in any of this, that Trump is in fact the antichrist and Musk is in fact Satan. Of course not. All I’ve done is present obvious facts, available to all, and left you to draw your own conclusions.

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