Guns, Guns, Guns, for Everyone
Gun manufacturers, lobbyists, and activists argue that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” While evidence might not bear this out, and show that in fact most shooters, if they are stopped, are stopped by unarmed civilians, maybe that’s because there aren’t enough good guys with guns.
As many “bad guys” as there are in this country, there are more “good guys.” Or maybe “neutral guys.” At least “not horrible guys.” And for all the guns that there are in this country, more than one for every person, they belong to only about thirty-two percent of the population. These gun hoarders could share with the rest of us, or maybe we should be gun hoarders ourselves. Maybe we should all do our part to support the multibillion dollar gun industry by buying and hoarding guns of our own.
If “bad guys” are going to get guns anyway, then it only makes sense that everyone else should also get guns, and if an incident arises where a “bad guy” crops up and starts popping shots, there will surely be at least one “good guy” among the ubiquitously armed civilians around to shoot him down. If literally everyone has guns, then obviously there will be more “good guys with guns” among them.
Putting armed police in schools and arming the police like soldiers at war sounds like a great idea in theory. But unfortunately school cops are often too busy harassing and assaulting children and ensuring they have a criminal record before reaching adulthood to take down active shooters. And local police are sometimes too busy arriving late, doing nothing, or preventing parents from doing anything to help while their children are massacred, to go inside and prevent further massacring. Some suggest arming teachers and staff as a solution. Most people go into careers as teachers, custodians, lunch servers, and sports coaches because they have an affinity for guns and have always wanted the opportunity to execute a deranged shooter, especially if that shooter is a current or former student, as often happens. This doesn’t go far enough, however, because adults can’t always be around, and what happens if one of the adults happens to decide to use their gun for non-good guy purposes? The solution to that is, obviously, arming the children. A gun in every backpack and cubby; that’s how we ensure safety. Of course, since prospective shooters will know that literally everyone in the school they’re intending to shoot up is well armed, they’ll more heavily arm themselves, which will require certain members of the faculty and staff and some promising youngsters to be armed with more than a simple handgun or rifle, and have heavy belt-fed machine guns and bazookas.
Another popular pro-gun argument is that you can kill people with lots of things besides guns. If you’re inclined to kill someone, there are plenty of knives around to do it with. Sure, it takes longer to kill someone with a knife, and it’s easier to take down someone with a knife than it is someone with a gun, and killing one person with a knife can be very messy and tiring. Maybe there would be fewer mass killings in this country if the best tools killers had were knives and It would require them to do more exercise, and more thinking, before going through with their sprees, in order to be as effective as they would be with guns. Because, frankly, the mass killers in this country, who coincidentally favor guns, are not typically impressive physical specimens. But hey, we don’t know all this for sure. All we have to go on are the statistics of countries that have “common sense” gun laws and regulations, and which aren’t steeped in centuries of gunpowder and blood.
This country was created through violence and murder. Guns were the primary tool that laid its foundation. This isn’t a nation built by words, empathy, democracy, logic, freedom, kindness, or any other such softness. This is a hard country built by hard bastards who used the bodies of their enslaved captives to profit from the land watered with the blood of their adversaries. They didn’t follow rules of moral justice, let alone any newfangled ideas of social justice, and forget about basic logical justice; they lived and died by the rules of frontier justice. If someone does or says something you don’t like, or you want something of theirs, shoot them, and if someone doesn’t like that, then they can shoot you. That’s only fair. Everyone has guns and everyone shoots one another. Simple and orderly.