Karl H Christ
3 min readDec 31, 2018

I am the Sun, I Love Everyone

It is baffling that we are not more obsessed with the sun. Nothing is more essential to life, to our existence, than the sun. Sure, oxygen, water and gravity are very important. And love. Can’t forget about love. But none of those things could exist if not for the sun. Our sun.

The sun should be something ever present in our minds and everyday discussions. We shouldn’t be able to go an hour without someone asking, “How’s the sun looking today?” or “Goodness, the sun sure is beautiful.” Just as the sun is always there for us, we should always be there too, commenting on how great the sun is. Whenever night comes, our thoughts should be of longing for the sun’s return. More of our lives should be devoted to attention given to the sun.

I’m not saying that we should worship the sun, per se, but sun worship makes a lot more sense than any other religious tenet. Sun worshippers have long been derided as ignorant savages, pagans and heathens with silly archaic beliefs. That’s some bullshit. Sun worshipping religions of Egypt, Meso-America and Indo-Europe had it right. Or more right. There is no real “right” religion. All religions are silly or insane in their own special ways. And giving personification and human agency to the sun makes almost as little sense as doing the same with a burning bush or a river. But there was some logic to it. Worshipping the sun as God makes as much or more sense than anything else.

The reigning religion today (I’m grouping all sects of Judaism, Christianity and Islam; y’all are one religion; get over yourselves) would have us believe that it is right and sensible to worship not the sun, but some invisible omniscient authoritarian deity who makes a lot of insane, needy, and often cruel demands of people, by proxy of some very unpleasant and clearly deranged humans.

Where’s the logic in that?

We’re supposed to believe the second- and third-hand orders of some invisible dictator? More important than, Why should we listen to Him, is, Why should we listen to this sanctimonious putz who says He said so? Does it make sense to praise a deity who seems to do nothing but issue irrational demands through stooges of dubious integrity and insist that we love him? Does it make any less sense to praise a sun we can see every day, whose life-giving benevolence we can witness and of which there’s ample evidence, and who asks nothing in return from us?

Again, not saying that we should be worshipping the sun and treating it as God or a god. It’s an enormous flaming gaseous ball, for fuck’s sake. Deification is silly. Worshipping the sun won’t mean anything to it one way or the other. But the same could be said of “God.” Pray to Him or don’t. It’s not He who’ll get you laid, make you rich, or save you from being decapitated by the peasants’ revolt. You’ll have no better luck asking the sun for anything, but it wouldn’t hurt to acknowledge and be grateful for all it does and has given us.

We should be doing more to respect and value, if not outright worship and revere our sun. In fact, enough religion talk. Don’t build religious reverence around the damn thing, just acknowledge, honor and respect it. There are many ways to do this. I don’t recommend blood sacrifice as one of them. What use would the sun have for some stupid Earth blood anyway? It should be sufficient to simply include the sun and its literal awesomeness more frequently in your daily, hourly and minute-to-minute thoughts and discussions. Do a dance or sing a song, if you’re moved to do so. Won’t make a damn bit of difference either way, but that’s true of virtually everything we do in life, so go for it. If you’d like help getting in the spirit, I recommend playing I am the Sun by Swans, over and over and over. It’s a damn good song, and Swans is an amazing band, if an acquired taste. Or My God is the Sun by Queens of the Stone Age. Or Here Comes the Sun. There are lots of good songs about the sun, for every mood and expression of adoration.

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