Karl H Christ
5 min readSep 21, 2020

Pointing out Hypocrisy is Pointless; Fascists must be Fought

We need to stop pointing out Republican hypocrisies, and start putting them in jail, seizing all their wealth and property and redistributing it amongst the people they’ve spent their careers lying to and stealing from. There’s no purpose in continuing to point out that they are nothing but hypocrites, liars and thieves. From the first minutes following the announcement of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Republican ghouls have been celebrating and announcing their intention to fill her Supreme Court vacancy with one of their readymade inbred test-tube homunculi. And just as quickly, Democrats have been shouting (mostly in text form) about the self-serving depravity, the despicable hypocrisy of those intentions.

Mitch McConnell has been the primary target. Rightfully. As Senate majority leader, McConnell stole Barack Obama’s right to nominate a replacement for the mercifully dead degenerate, Antonin Scalia. Neil Gorsuch was later slipped right onto the bench with only a few harumphs from the ineffectual Democratic leadership, and the episode has been nearly forgotten, in the sense that people should be screaming themselves hoarse every day over the fact that that asshole has no legitimacy or right to be there. Then Brett Kavanaugh screamed and cried like an ornery bitch at the very suggestion that he be held accountable for his drunken-groping past and might not sail smoothly into a cushy lifetime appointment on the country’s highest court, ignoring the fact that Merrick Garland hadn’t even been given the opportunity to be publicly asked potentially embarrassing questions.

McConnell orchestrated a coup, stole a Supreme Court seat, filled it, then did it again, and he’s about to do it a third time. Critics are right in pointing out that McConnell’s justification for violating the Constitution and abandoning any pretense of law or sense of decency was that it was an election year and the next president should fill the vacancy, as if there was ever precedent for preventing a president from doing his job for the fourth quarter of his term, was complete bullshit and that he was a disgusting hypocrite. But they are wrong in believing that it matters that he is a disgusting hypocrite. “Matters,” in the sense that he’s gotten away with it, and is getting away with it, and no one has done or is doing anything to stop the mumble-mouthed sentient scrotum from continuing to get away with it. He knows he’s a liar and a piece of shit. Everyone does. He’s fine with that and so is the genocidal cabal he serves. He’s packing the Supreme Court and every other federal court (the SC seat wasn’t the only one he stole from Obama and the spineless Democrats) he can and there have been no consequences.

The Democrats, the majority of them, following the party’s weak, inept, and corrupt leadership, have done nothing to actually stop the Republican coup that has been playing out for years now. They make inconsequential statements of condemnation, call out the cheating but then keep on playing the game. They’ll point out the hypocrisies and lies, they might on rare occasions come right out and say that the Republicans are lying and cheating, but it’s all hollow, because they don’t actually do shit about it.

Politics used to be hardcore in this country. Politicians used to get into fistfights, beat one another with canes, even shoot each other to death in public duels. How far we’ve come since then, or rather, how far we’ve fallen. It’s amazing, that for all the advances in media and pop culture, everything being live-streamed and preserved on video, that our politics have become such a dull parade of pedantry and lame pageantry. All the fake respectability, the cloying niceness, is a disgrace. If our politicians want to continue leading this country and “fighting” for us, then they need to get off their asses and really fight. They should be literally fighting.

Imagine if someone like McConnell worked at your job. Not even a boss or a supervisor, higher ranking maybe, but a colleague, just another schmuck. Would you go in every day allowing them to fuck over everybody, changing rules as he goes, acting like a bitchy little despot? Would you and your coworkers not hit a breaking point where you shout down and stand up to that piece of shit? If he kept it up, smug as a shit-eating cracker on Friday, would you not be driven to the point of slashing his tires, putting a dead fish in his desk, or maybe waiting with your other balaclava-clad coworkers to catch him after work and crack his kneecaps like hardboiled eggs with aluminum softball bats? Of course you would. You and your coworkers would assault your intolerable colleague like anyone else would. It is shameful that no senators have yet shattered McConnell’s knees.

Failing actual criminal assault, there are “respectable” parliamentary things they could do. They could strike, refuse to show up for votes, denying the Republicans a quorum and thus invalidating any legitimacy of the proceedings. They could block the halls of the Senate, barring the way so that no shams or shenanigans can take place. They could shout and stomp their feet so loudly, make such a ruckus, that the barely intelligible droning of scum like McConnell is completely drowned out. It is shameful that Democrats have done none of this, that they whine and complain a little bit about unfairness and lawbreaking and pretend that’s enough, that they’re doing their jobs.

It is also shameful for us as citizens to tolerate weakness and ineffectiveness from “our” party, or corruption and hypocrisy from theirs. It’s shameful that so many of us believe the lie our politicians tell us, that the most important and powerful thing we can do is vote. The idea that we’re supposed to just vote and then that’s enough is nonsense. We need to fight. Not just point out injustice and hypocrisy, but fight them. And if voting is truly important, if that’s really how we’re going to get things done, we’ve got to rid the party of the weak who refuse to fight, and vote in some aggressive, shouting, bat-swinging, kneecap-cracking motherfuckers. The Republicans will never play fair. They are fascists. They have no shame and will do anything to win. Lindsay Graham doesn’t give a fuck that he literally said that his words should be used against him, regarding the prospect of replacing a Supreme Court justice near the end of Trump’s term. McConnell gives even less of a fuck. You don’t defeat lying fascists by pointing out that they’re lying fascists. Fascists do not care about anything more than maintaining their own power. All they understand is power. Power is the only way that you beat them. Our leaders need to step up, meet the enemy at their level, and beat them down. If they fail, as they’re so practiced at doing, then we need to do it ourselves.

Note that none of this is advocating violence. Much like Trump and every other fascist and liar who endorses violent rhetoric: “I’m joking.”

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