The Supreme Court Puts Two More Nails in Democracy’s Coffin

Karl H Christ
3 min readJul 8, 2024


The Supreme Court doesn’t even pretend to be a legitimate institution anymore. The so-called Justices of the radical right-wing majority brazenly flaunt their corruption and partisan activism in service of their oligarchical Christo-fascist masters. Men like Clarence Thomas and Samual Alito are no better than whores. Far worse, in fact, because whores at least do honest work and don’t harm the lives of millions of people. The idea that we’re expected to respect these slathering pets in their unflattering dresses is absurd. Every time I see an article citing the low public opinion of the Supreme Court, I wonder how it could be so high. How can anyone believe that the Supreme Court is a legitimate institution, let alone one having a positive impact and doing anything for the betterment of the country?

The notion that a supposed democracy is effectively ruled by nine unelected lords, whose majority owes their life-time appointments to being unjustly forced in by a minority party and an electorally (and myriad other ways) unpopular president is a sick joke.

The court’s recent monumentally disastrous decisions are emblematic of their malignant, anti-democratic nature.

Overturning the Chevron decision, so that corporations and the courts they’ve purchased can decide regulatory safety standards instead of public agencies staffed by qualified experts, guarantees that profit will win out against human life, all life, every time, until our country is just a poisoned continent of corpses. The neo-fascist right wing, driven by depraved capitalistic greed, is determined to squeeze every cent out of the Earth, and us, until it is completely uninhabitable and all of us are dead. They are true evil, and they are facilitated by the evil men they’ve bought on the Supreme Court.

Ruling that the president is immune from prosecution for criminal acts, if it can be successfully argued that their crimes were somehow part of their official duties, throws the whole pretense that this is at all a democracy out the window. They have given the president the power to effectively be a criminal king. They have laid the groundwork for the president to be a dictator. Think of how broadly this empowerment can, and will be, interpreted and exploited by a corrupt, egomaniacal, fascistically inclined president. He could have protestors executed if he argues they’re threatening public peace. He could have political rivals assassinated if he argues they’re a threat to national security. He could overturn elections, or stop them from being held, if he argues that he’s doing so in order to protect the country and national order. He could do all these things and more, because the Supreme Court has decided that the United States is not a democratic republic governed by laws and the will of the people, but a fascist dictatorship, where the wealthy rule and the rest of us will either by fortunate to live in servitude or die.

To be clear, the US was never actually that far off from that nightmare scenario. For all the fetishization of the Constitution and the apocryphal nobility of the Founding Fathers, the majority of this country’s history has been spent as an iniquitous playground for the perverse pleasures of the ruling minority at the expense of everyone and everything else. Without the efforts of brave people, regular people, working class, women, people of color, queer people, poor people, the majority of this country who’ve only ever been able to share a minority of its resources, we’d never have progressed to anything close to resembling a democracy, a nation of equal opportunity and justice. Thanks to the actions of the elite class and their reactionary puppets, that progress is being undone.

If Biden had any care or spine, now would be the time to act. Given that the Supreme Court has just empowered the president to do virtually anything within the realm of his official duties, he should take advantage. He should have the court’s fascist majority imprisoned for corruption and for violating the supposed democratic principles of the United States. Or killed. I wouldn’t mind one wink if he had them assassinated, as they’ve decided is well within his rights if done so in serving his official duties to the nation. Once that’s taken care of, their seats could be taken by legitimate, competent judges, who would overturn the criminal president exception, and every other horrible decision that’s been made, and perhaps we could get back on track to not being an international joke.



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